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中東富含石油,20 世紀賺足了錢,過著奢靡的生活,連美國人都垂涎三尺,甚至不惜發動戰爭,弄的自己勞民傷財。










據《世界報》消息,西班牙Graphenano 公司(一家以工業規模生產石墨烯的公司)同西班牙科爾瓦多大學合作研究出首例石墨烯聚合材料電池,其儲電量是目前市場最好產品的三倍,用此電池提供電力的電動車最多能行駛1000 公里,而其充電時間不到8分鐘。


Graphenano 公司計劃於2015 年將此電池投入生產,並且計劃與德國四大汽車公司中的兩家(現在還不方便透露公司名稱)將在本月和電動汽車進行試驗。


而目前電動汽車界的明星汽車——特斯拉董事長兼產品架構師艾倫·馬斯克此前在接受英國汽車雜誌《Auto Express 》專訪時大膽預測,電動汽車未來的續航里程有望達到約800 公里。此石墨烯聚合材料電池與汽車聯合的投產問世或將引領電動汽車行業的新的續航里程。


石墨烯是世界上最薄、最硬的材料,於2004 年問世,其發現者英國曼徹斯特大學安德烈海姆教授於2010 年獲得諾貝爾物理學獎。




雖然此電池具有各種優良的性能,但其成本並不高。Graphenano 公司相關負責人稱,此電池的成本將比鋰電池低77% ,完全在消費者承受範圍之內。




中國科學技術大學吳恆安教授、王奉超特任副研究員與安德烈-海姆教授課題組及荷蘭內梅亨大學研究人員合作,在石墨烯等類膜材料輸運特性研究方面首次發現,石墨烯可以作為良好的“質子傳導膜”,國際頂尖學術期刊《自然》11 26 日在線發表了這一研究成果。






石墨烯薄膜可用於提取大氣層中的氫,暗示著該材料結合燃料電池更容易從空氣中提取氫。麻省理工學院的Karnik 教授在評論中指出這項最新研究證實該在理論上已經達到美國能源部設定的2020 年質子交換膜輸運性能目標。



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Will you continue to help those who are working to build reactors in their homes?



Yes: of course, to the last breathe in our possession.


You should have never asked this question.


You should have understood the path we have taken by now.


We told the Government’s first, what is to come, and now we are informing the multinational organizations that the technology can and has reached masses,  while they were sleep.


With both the governments and multinationals knowing that we are teaching to individuals too, that they cannot control the technology, but making it  accessible and affordable for everyone.


This policy of ours has worked with governments in the last year, in them knowing that the spaceship program is not exclusive to nation of Iran alone, and  they had to find a face-saving path to talk peace and at the same time, share technology, which they need to think that they are safe as they have it too.


We have seen the fruit of our work in the past 18 Month by giving the knowledge to them all and telling them that Iran has the technology, so you can have it  too on equal bases, and now we have seen the face saving peace talks in Geneva this coming week, which Iran is dictating the terms of the peace talk and the  rest show face-saving moves with let us to show we are in charge of the game.


Do not forget the fact that we are the nation of chest players with respect we give to our losing opponent that he does lose his face, but accepts the lose  with grace, that this way we can play the next game with maturity and more wisdom and pleasure, this is the joy of being born in the land of grace and true  power in its essence.


The sharing of the technology and peace treaty has done its work and it is working the same in Tehran, Washington, Vatican as in Jerusalem, Beijing, and  Africa.


The old man in Washington whom has cancer cannot make systems for himself, neither anyone of you have time to help him, so now international organizations  can and he can benefit from our technology too to save his life and reduce his pain.


The man in Africa needs energy to cook his food, but does not have the knowledge to build himself a system, so his government through those who can will  provide the facility for him at the cost of few dollars to buy small reactor, feed, heat, and make energy food from the moisture in the air, to look after  his children during the drought, the way we use the system in our health section, that we do not see the Biafra and inequalities of the past again.


Now we have brought the whole of human race to satisfy their egoistic needs, first the controlling governments, second satisfy the hunger of multinationals,  and both knowing that there is a limit as people have the knowledge to help themselves, if they want or need too.


This is exactly what you are faced with in space, you have the knowledge to help yourself to create motion, if the systems falls out, using the material you  have to create heat and food if you need.


Time and method, which we have chosen of sharing and the way we have down it is so effective that forces equality and world peace.


I have done my work in sharing knowledge, now it is time to allow everyone to enjoy the fruit of mankind’s maturity.


But! our real work has started from now on.


Governments will join us to save their nations and be in peace with each other, as no one will go through and can accept wars.


How can you support fighting across the world, when your own nation is bankrupt, the real reach nations of the world like China have no time as it is their  money and not worthless papers in dreamland guarantying to pay soldiers on the frontline and these nations now are refusing to get involved in any aggression  game of the others.


We see multinationals have gone to the wall through wrong investments that banks had to be bailed out because of them.


Now at home you can produce as much gold as is in the national reserves of some nations, as you know how to change plasma to matter and now you chose the  matter, as you will do in space when you need materials for your food or systems.


Some people said we are finished, in fact we were preparing the party for the unification of human race and now we are back with the force that cannot stop  the progress, with reason, with love and care, with knowledge and being able to enforce peace through our knowledge through masses.


In a way, we have reached our goal and we have arrived home for what it took us 40 years to plan and execute, correctly.


Which, the man should have done these all with the calls of the prophets of the past in the past thousands of years.


You were given the choice and you abused it, now we sweetly force you to do it, with biter pill that you all lose everything, if not choosing the path of  knowledge and peace.


The kings will lose their Kingdoms and the multinationals their money as people will make everything more readily cheaper as there are no patents for the  knowledge of universe, which we have released freely to all. Therefore, they become the true kings of their kingdom in their home, country, and space.

國王們將失去他們的王國,跨國機構們將失去他們的金錢,人民將能更迅速便宜的製造每一樣東西,因為宇宙的知識將不會有任何的專利了,我們已經免費向所有人公開了。因此 ,人民成為了他們的王國的真正國王,在他們的家鄉、國家和空間中。

His Excellences and their Honorables are common people, when they have ALS and His Majesties die like a poor man when cancer calls, so the human body is  flammable and the same is his thoughts and deeds.


Killing and sending scientists on exile, only has one benefit, it gives them the chance to gather thoughts and with the pen of power and knowledge to bring  the kings and world leaders to their knees to point of servitude and maturity for the rest of the human race.


We do not fight, but by sharing our knowledge we allowed those who did and do have no ground to open a front for war and aggression.


Blessed are those who understand and understood the work of the creator, created and the creation.



M T Keshe



Keshe Foundation


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